Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - S01E50 - Return of an Old Friend (2).avi Plot Summary: Tommy arrives at the Youth Center, and finds the place deserted. He's teleported to the Command Center, and debriefed about the situation. He's given his Power Coin back, and with an infusing of power from Zordon himself, Tommy morphs into the Green Ranger once again. He quickly faces Goldar and some Putties, trying to regain the Dragon Dagger & the other 5 Coins. Tommy succeeds, but in doing so, he's struck with a backlash from Goldar's forcefield around the Coins. He's knocked into a coma, while the other Rangers face Rita's Dramole monster in the city. Tommy awakens to find his body mysterious supercharged with green energy. Zordon's transmission is weakened from repowering him, and is nearly lost, until the other 5 Rangers recharge him with their Coins. Dramole is defeated, the parents are freed, and Tommy remains as the Green Ranger, operating in a limited power capacity.
Release Date: 1994-03-01