Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - S03E03 - A Friend in Need (3).avi Plot Summary: Pink Ranger's flu proves to her advantage, when her sneezing passes the sickness to the Repellator monster, sending him fleeing back to moon. Once there, Repellator gets some medicine from Finster, and eventually returns to Earth.
He interrupts Bulk & Skull's attempts to woo the two girls from the previous episodes (not that their cheap mock Power Ranger costumes hadn't already blown it for them).
Anyway, back on Edenoi, the other five Power Rangers help Masked Rider & the rebels defeat the Plague Patrol & Cogworts. They teleport back to Earth, where they're needed to assist Kimberly against Repellator, using the Thunder Megazord & White Tigerzord. After defeating the monster, the Rangers inform Alpha 5 that his creator, King Lexian, is doing well, despite the political turmoil his planet is in.
Little do they know, that Count Dregon & his minions have turned their attentions away from Edenoi, and are on their way to attack Earth! King Lexian sends his grandson, Prince Dex, the Masked Rider, to Earth to stop Dregon. Release Date: 1995-09-09