Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - S03E02 - A Friend in Need (2).avi Plot Summary: In a cave, the Power Rangers get acquainted with Masked Rider & the Edenoi rebels. Masked Rider powers down, revealing himself to be Prince Dex, grandson of King Lexian, Alpha 5's creator.
The story of the Edenites' enslavement by Count Dregon is told, as well as how Dex came to be the Masked Rider, a power handed down throughout the generations of his kingdom. Dregon sends down the Cogworts, three frog-like monsters. This draws the Rangers & rebels out of hiding, to fight both the Cogworts and the pesky Plague Patrol. Back on Earth, Bulk & Skull overhear two pretty women talking about their crushes on the Power Rangers. This inspires the bumbling duo to trick the women into going to a false "secret base" of the Rangers, so they can trick the dames into thinking THEY'RE Rangers.
Up on the moon, Lord Zedd & Rita are at a loss for a plan on attacking Earth while the Rangers are away. Eventually, Finster creates the Repellator monster, he's sent down to Angel Grove. With the other Power Rangers on another planet, the flu-sick Kimberly is called into duty.
Release Date: 1995-09-09